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RE: COVID-19 Update

March 18, 2020 Dear Valued Customer: We are living in troubled times; in a dynamic and fluid environment we don’t believe any of us have ever witnessed.  We want to send a quick note that despite the virus issues all is...

How to Use the E-Z Chamfer®

Usage & Guidelines: Start E-Z Chamfer® square to the workpiece.  A circular motion may improve performance on large diameter workpieces.E-Z Chamfer® works by shearing a small amount of material every revolution. Slow drill speed with medium pressure will yield the best results...

Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now

Thomas Pueyo tells Politicians, Community Leaders and Business Leaders: What They Should Do and When Read the Full Article Here "The coronavirus is coming to you. It’s coming at an exponential speed: gradually, and then suddenly.It’s a matter of days. Maybe...

Fastener 4 | March 2020

Topic – Loksert Answers provided by Owner and President, Scott Campbell Q:  How do Loksert inserts work?A:  Once installed, the keys are driven into the parent material providing a positive mechanical lock against rotation. Q:  How many keys are there in Loksert inserts?A:  For internal...

Fastener 4 | January 2020

Topic - Crossroad Distributor Source Answers provided by Owner and President, Scott Campbell Q1: When & Why did Crossroad Distributor Source get started?  A: Crossroad Distributor Source started business in September 2004 as a master distributor of blind rivets, thread...

NEW | Custom Sell Sheets

We're happy to announce the latest update to the Crossroad Distributor Source website. You can now customize sell sheets in the Download section with your company name, logo, phone number, fax number, email and web address. We've also added a...

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Crossroad Distributor Source

Crossroad Distributor Source